Saturday, 24 February 2018

Thirty Paintings in 30 Days - Day 24

Worked on two dogs today - Day 23 and Day 24. I was behind a day posting and while not a big deal I really wanted to get back on track. They are both totally different - still trying to find my way !

Have some process images to share - I find them helpful to look back on!

Free hand drawing, painted background
and then a 'black' mix for the dog 

Added some tissue paper that was stenciled 

Transparent red iron oxide rubbed/brushed over the image. 
Did this a couple of more times

Acrylic mixed media on Arches
140lb coldpress paper 


  1. Oh, I really love seeing your process. I often wonder how you build up the layers. Fun to see him come to life ;)

    1. Thank you Sheila - can be a slow process - but worth it in the end!

  2. THANK YOU for the mesmerizing process photos. I keep looking and looking and exploring and exclaiming and appreciating. The scribbly bits in the early stages fascinate me—so compelling, and I love how they play out in the finished piece. In the finished piece I am especially drawn to the places where there is the greatest light (made magnetic by the overall contrast). Those places in combo with the angle of this pup's gaze and chin keep my eyes moving around the whole piece.

    1. Process can be messy, but can lead to some interesting parts. I keep using a 2" flat brush and should be varying the size for some different marks. Next one! I am learning you don't need a lot of some things to create interest - for me it's knowing when to stop to have those spots.

  3. She is mesmerizing! Thanks for the process images... they are like a mini tutorial. She so distinct yet so part of the background.

    1. Thanks Carol - glad you found something in the process images. I appreciate seeing other artist's - gives one an idea of where 'things' come from. Have a great day!
