Monday, 9 May 2016

Daily Practice Paintings

These are daily paintings from the last 5 days. Every time I do one I am learning more about my materials (especially the pigments) and I am practicing! So I don't consider any of this a waste of time or materials - I am building a strong foundation and from this hope to create some artwork that will be amazing!

Five of the images were done on 140lb coldpress watercolour paper. I take a full sheet (21"X30") and just paint on it randomly as well as using some light molding paste. I then cut the sheet into smaller sizes and have a supply ready to go.

Acrylic on watercolour paper
Acrylic on watercolour paper

Acrylic on watercolour paper
Acrylic on watercolour paper

Acrylic on watercolour paper

Acrylic on canvas

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Painting - Simplified Landscapes

I have been working on some very simplified landscapes. These are small, ranging in size from 6"X7" up to 9"X12" and I limited myself to using neutrals. The idea for these came from Jane Davies' online workshop '100 Drawings on Cheap Paper'. For the last lesson in the workshop we created our own lesson and then reviewed the lesson plan with Jane and she helped fine tune it. These are an ongoing 'practice'. I have small paper sizes at the ready and use any leftover paint from the days' efforts to create these - waste not want not! Not only do these give me lots of ideas for future exploration, but because they are small and not too time consuming they are an excellent way to experiment and 'practice'! That is one of the things that this workshop has instilled in me - how important it is to practice! Hope you enjoy having a look and are finding time for some experimentation and practice in your studio!

Cerulean Blue, Titanium White,
Carbon Black
Hansa Yellow, Transparent Red Iron Oxide,
Carbon Black, Titanium White

Titanium White,
Carbon Black
Watercolour Crayons
Burnt Sienna, Hansa Yellow, Carbon Black,
Titanium White, Graphite

Hansa Yellow, Transparent Red
Iron Oxide, Titanium White,
Carbon Black
Cobalt Violet, Titanium White,
Cobalt Violet

Cad Yellow Medium, Naples Yellow,
Titanium White, Carbon Black
Bronze Yellow, Hansa Yellow Medium,
Titanium White, Carbon Black

Phthalo Turquoise, Transparent Brown
Oxide, Titanium White, Carbon Black

Pyrrole Orange, Cerulean Blue, Titanium White, Carbon Black

I always enjoy hearing back from people so please do leave a comment/message - would like to hear what you think and what you are working on in your art practice.