Thursday, 21 April 2016

Painting - Spring is Here!

Spent a great day yesterday painting outdoors with friends. Our weather has been unseasonable warm and dry and we need rain!! Hopefully this weekend - keep your fingers crossed please. We did spend a lovely day outdoors and I did a couple of watercolour paintings. I find it easier to pack watercolour supplies for painting out. It is always inspiring and fun to paint with friends. Here are the watercolours....


8 3/8"X6"

Looking forward to a summer of painting day trips in and around our area - we have such variety - mountains, foothills, wishes

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Painting - Brian Atyeo Workshop

Have been so busy with 'art' and haven't had time to post. Would consider that a good thing. I was at  Brian Atyeo's workshop in Calgary the beginning of April (April 2-5). The workshop was hosted by Leading Edge Art Workshops' - if you live in the area they offer great workshops with great instructors!

This is the second workshop I have taken with Brian Atyeo (hope to have the opportunity to participate in more!) and this one was right up my alley. 'Layers of design in acrylic and mixed media'. Lots of layering of paint as well as removal - scratching in with palette knives & x-acto knives. Adding line with crayon, graphite, etc - just about anything you want to experiment with. It isn't just a 'free for all' - it is about responding to marks made and challenging the emerging composition. Nothing is preplanned and instead it is the use of imagination and allowing the evolution of the process to take its' course. Below are some of the images created during the workshop and a couple that are still in the 'process'. I appreciate any comments and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Am very excited with the work started in this workshop and as we speak am working on more images in a study format to develop into more finished works! Happy creating to you all!

work in progress!

Considered this finished, but..can't you see this 'large'!!
Stay tuned for a larger version


For a long, long time I have had a vision/idea of how I see the landscape around me - not every blade of grass or leaf on the tree, but shape, lights and darks and colour. This is a real break through for me to create these images and to celebrate them realized!

Work in progress

Started this in the workshop and have been working on it at home. Apologies for the picture quality!! Will post a better image once finished. I am really enjoying the painting process as I work on this image. This reminds me of the view to the west from the top of our hill - one that I never get tired of looking at. 

Will post some of my work from my '100 Drawings on Cheap Paper' workshop with Jane Davies in my next post - just not enough time!! In the meantime happy creating to you all.