I am not much of a 'plein air' painter and even more so I do not like painting in a group! I enjoy my time in my studio alone. Workshops are a huge struggle for me - a large group of people is very stressful!! I am trying to do more painting outdoors and paint with a group. I am very lucky to be part of a group of lovely, supportive and talented painters. This past year we have painted at each others homes and spent time this summer in K-Country painting. I am still not that comfortable painting in a group or outdoors for that matter, but the more I do participate in these activities the more my comfort zone is starting to increase. I have posted a sampling of some of the watercolours I painted outdoors this summer. Landscapes are not my first choice of subject matter, but it is hard not to feel inspired by the area I live in. I don't know if I would use these studies to attempt some larger finished pieces, but it certainly wasn't wasted time! My outdoor studies are not 'realistic' but I do think they capture the essence of the day and the scenery!

Elbow Falls looking west
(was a smokey day so I wasn't able to see the mountains )
August, 2015
9 1/4"X6 1/4"
Looking east down the Elbow River valley
September, 2015 |
Mountains (Banded Peak) looking west from Highway 762
October, 2015 |
Elbow River at the old Allen Bill pond area
(Couldn't see the mountains west - heavy smoke)
August, 2015 |